All-Around ESG Platform for CSRD compliance

Collecting ESG-information in typical ways is nearly impossible. Involve, automate, report and visualize the process in our ESG management platform that people actually love to use.

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Complies with the requirements of

Get a Grip of Double-materiality

Assess impacts, risks and opportunities and Falcony will take care of the materiality calculations and visualize it in a beatiful dashboard. Involve stakeholders to compare their view on the material topics vs. your company’s view.

Schedule, assign and see the progress of ESRS Disclosures

All standards are broken down into easy-to-digest checklists for filling. Falcony automatically sends reminders and helps to give an overview of where each disclosure is going.

The most convenient emission reporting and carbon accounting

Use Falcony’s ready-made carbon accounting calculators for scope 1, 2 and 3 with full audit-trail to all calculations, emission factors and sources. Set goals for company wide goals and reach net zero in record time.

Choose and track your ESG KPIs

Integrate KPIs from other systems, add them manually or let our Customer Success do it for you. Visualize everything with our ready-made dashboards.

Falcony ESG works perfectly with rest of the Falcony suite

From Climate Risks Assessment with Falcony Risks to Grievance and complaint channel with Falcony Whistleblowing, we truly got you covered.

Get started today

Start a 30-day FREE trial to test drive the platform. Or contact us to discuss how we can help your organisation.